Mom Club with Sara Phillips

Sara Phillips with her sons Connor (13) and Penn (almost 11). (Photo courtesy of Sara Phillips)

Master gardener, beekeeper, boy mom. This North Fork momma does it all, and with a certain grace that feels deeply rooted. In addition to her favorite roles, she’s also the Vice President of the Board of Directors at Hallockville Museum Farm making strides to support the restoration of the iconic Naugles Barn. (Ed. note: Don’t miss the Barn-Raising Supper fundraiser on Thursday, August 22.)

Join us as Sara shares mothering on the North Fork in our monthly Mom Club, a Q&A with local North Fork moms.

We hope this series inspires you and helps to make motherhood less intimidating and more inclusive. And the best part is, there’s no dress code or any other code, for that matter. All are welcome to join Mom Club just as you are.

Q: Describe your parenting style in three words.

Sara: Responsive, loving, silly.

Q: What is your favorite thing about motherhood?

Sara: Encouraging my children to discover their unique passions and talents, and witnessing the amazing brotherly love that they have for one another.

Q: What is your least favorite thing about motherhood?

Sara: The older my kids get, the quicker each year seems to pass. 

Q: What would you change anything about motherhood?

Sara: Mothers often feel that they have to do everything perfectly 100% of the time. It’s unrealistic and not sustainable. 

Q: Assuming you do, why do you think raising kids on the North Fork is unique?

Sara: As someone who grew up four blocks from the beach in Cape May, New Jersey, I have always recognized what a gift it is to grow up close to the water. Passing by Peconic Bay every day provides a grounding sense of tranquility for our family all year round. I love that my children are able to see where their food comes from and have access to such an incredible bounty. The North Fork’s caring community, lovely traditions and natural beauty cannot be matched.

Q: What role does nature play in raising your kids?

Sara: When our family moved to the North Fork, we quickly added chickens, bees and Nigerian Dwarf Goats to our mini homestead. As a family, we delight in the many bunnies, box turtles, snakes, and lightning bugs who visit with us, including our resident pond frog, Jeremiah. The boys help me to monitor piping plovers and terns at our local beach. We save fruit and veggie scraps for our chickens, have outdoor compost bins and recently started using a foodcycler. My hope is that my sons will continue to do all they can to help maintain nature‘s delicate balance.

Q: What's your favorite recent thing that you've done with your kids on the North Fork?

Sara: Impromptu sunset fishing sessions at Kenney’s Beach in Southold.

Q: What's your kids' favorite thing you've recently done together on the North Fork?

Sara: One of our favorite family beach spots is Rocky Point in East Marion. The boys love to swim out to the biggest rock. It looks and feels like the Mediterranean and is so peaceful.

Q: What is one thing every kid should experience on the North Fork?

Sara: The freedom of being out on the water. Whether it’s sailing, kayaking, or just floating around in the bay or sound, there is nothing else like it.

Q: It’s said that motherhood lasts long after we're gone — that it's the values that live within our kids for their whole lives, too. What are some things that you hope your kids carry with you forever?

Sara: 1. Importance of family. 2. Belief in oneself. 3. Be a discerning judge of character

Also in Mom Club:

Mom Club with Kirsten Kesicki

Mom Club with Rachel Goodale

Mom Club with Bridget Elkin

Mom Club with Stephanie Pincar-Coleman

Mom Club with Kelly Koch

Mom Club with Sonia Spar


Get your tickets for a new kind of circus coming to the North Fork and set against the open, evening sky


Bippity, boppity, boo! Have a ball watching the performance of Cinderella at the North Fork Community Theatre, July 18 through August 4